On this day: January 4th (prior to this year: 2022)

On this day (January 4th) in 2007 (15 years ago *wow*) – Nancy Pelosi becomes first female Speaker of the House!! I am happy that there was finally a female Speaker of the House and that it was Nancy Pelosi, but damn it took long enough!

I only know anything about Nancy Pelosi because I had to know who would win the presidential election of 2020 and we all know how screwed up shit got, which led me to watch CNN a lot starting on election day 2020. And Nancy Pelosi is still/again Speaker of the House.

It seems weird that the Democrats and Republicans would care if they were majority or minority leader of the House, except for the fact that the majority leader is Speaker of the House, which is 2nd in line for the presidency. Only two people have to die and then you get to be president, not any two people, of course nothing is ever that easy, it must be the President and Vice President who die.

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